Sedation Dentistry

Dental procedures strike fear into the hearts of many people. Sometimes this fear comes from the sound of the equipment used, like a dental drill. For other people, a bad dental experience in the past causes fear. But you no longer must suffer stress because of your fears, thanks to sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry helps you feel relaxed during your dental visit. But who qualifies for this sedation and how does it make your overall dental experience more productive?

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation in the dentist’s office involves the dentist administering anesthesia before or during your treatment. Only general anesthesia makes you unable to respond to people and things around you. For most procedures, the dentist does not use general anesthesia. Instead, you gain a less potent relaxant that does not put you to sleep.

Sedation Dentistry Queen Creek AZ includes:

Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas

This gas relaxes you but wears off quickly. You receive the gas through a face mask in the dental chair just before the dentist starts working on your teeth. This minimal sedation dentistry helps you feel less stress. At the end of your appointment, you still can drive yourself home or back to work.

Oral Sedation Dentistry

Oral medication like diazepam helps you relax during your dental visit. You take a pill about an hour or more before your scheduled appointment. You remain awake and alert but feel less anxiety. Some people doze while on the oral sedative, even in the dental chair.

IV Sedatives

People refer to IV sedatives as general anesthesia. But the amount you receive determines whether you stay conscious. Lesser amounts of some drugs relax you without putting you to sleep. A higher dose or other types of IV medication place you into a deep sleep.

Do I Qualify for Sedation Dentistry?

The sedation used for your dental visit depends on your age, the procedure you need, and allergies. The primary goal of this sedation is feeling comfort during your treatment.

Sometimes you only need local anesthesia, such as when your dentist works on just one tooth. Local anesthesia ensures you do not feel pain in a local area around that tooth. At other times, breathing nitrous oxide combines with the local anesthesia for a relaxing office visit.

Sedation works well for you if you have a fear of the dentist or dental procedures. It also helps you relax if you had a bad experience in dental care or particularly sensitive nerves in your mouth. People with small mouths find the sedation helps them get through treatment without feeling sore. Others cannot use local sedation, so they rely on other types to ensure they do not feel the dental work performed.

You qualify for sedation dentistry for procedures like root canals, dental implants, extractions, and fillings. It works well for a variety of restorative, cosmetic, general and preventative dentistry in Queen Creek Arizona. For digital X-rays, cleanings or other routine care that does not cause pain, you usually do not need any type of anesthesia.

Your dentist helps you understand your options for anesthesia. Whether you fear needles, experience general anxiety or suffer high sensitivity, you have sedation options. If you do not struggle in the dental chair, you may not need any sedation at all. The approach to this dental care meets your individual needs.

Marketplace Dental Excellence Provides Sedation Dentistry

For your sedation dentistry Queen Creek AZ, turn to Marketplace Dental Excellence. Dental services include:

Do not fear your trips to the dentist anymore. Today’s sedation dentistry provides options for your most relaxing, comfortable and pain-free visit. Call Marketplace Dental Excellence now at 480.545.8700 for an appointment.