No matter your age or oral health history, you need to visit your dental team regularly to ensure the best health of your teeth and gums. When you visit twice yearly or as otherwise recommended by your dentist, you reap the benefits of routine teeth cleanings, dental examinations, and other dental services. Six such benefits of regular cleanings include:

  • Cavity prevention
  • Removing stains
  • Avoiding gum disease
  • Keeping breath fresh
  • Maintaining good overall health
  • Saving money on dental restorations

Cavity Prevention

Cavity prevention is the biggest reason why people visit the dentist. Cavities occur when plaque damages the outer layer of your teeth. This sticky white film that coats your teeth eats away at enamel and tooth surfaces 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The only way to slow this around-the-clock damage is to brush your teeth twice daily, floss each day and visit your dentist twice yearly as you should.

Removing Stains

One of the benefits of routine teeth cleanings is removing stains from your teeth. These cleanings help turn back the clock on your teeth, brightening your smile after years of drinking coffee, tea, soda, and wine. Dental cleanings also help remove stains left behind by common foods and oral habits like tomato sauce, berries and tobacco. Brushing alone does not provide the cleaning and polishing effects of a visit to your dentist’s office.

Avoiding Gum Disease

One of the most harmful effects of plaque is gum disease. This condition occurs when plaque builds up below your gum line. Over time, untreated gum disease causes a wide range of problems, such as bad breath, a foul taste in your mouth, bleeding gums and lost teeth. Through the benefits of routine teeth cleanings, you avoid gum disease and promote your best oral health.

Keeping Breath Fresh

Everyone wants fresh breath. This fresh breath comes through good oral hygiene and prevention of dental health problems, such as tartar buildup or tooth decay. When you visit your dentist for teeth cleaning, he uses a scaling tool to remove tartar buildup from your teeth. This, in turn, prevents tooth decay and other problems that lead to bad breath.

Improved Overall Health

Studies prove that plaque buildup contributes to an array of physical health problems. These serious health problems include heart attack and stroke. Just like plaque builds up on your teeth, it also builds up in your arteries, hardening those vital blood vessels. Reducing plaque buildup also helps you reduce your risk for diabetes, kidney disease, and other tooth decay treatment.

Saving Money on Dental Restorations

One of the most significant outcomes of regular dental cleanings is saving money on dental restorations. Without tooth decay, you do not need fillings or other restorative dentistry used to treat cavities. You also do not need periodontal disease treatment or root canal therapy, if you do not allow plaque and tartar to take over your mouth. Through simple preventive dental care like regular teeth cleanings, you save yourself a lot of financial stress.

Enjoying the Benefits of Routine Teeth Cleanings

When you visit the dentist for teeth cleaning, you also gain access to a wide range of other dental services. These services include:

Learn more about the benefits of routine teeth cleanings and other dental services by calling your Queen Creek, Arizona dentist’s office today. Schedule your visit and enjoy having clean, polished teeth and a brighter smile. Call Marketplace Dental Excellence now at 480.545.8700.

Published by
Dr. Tuckett Marketplace Dental Excellence

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