As you consider your smile restoration, how do you know when specific types of restoration fit your individual needs? When are dental implants needed and where do you get these services? Below, learn more about implants for your smile in Queen Creek, Arizona.

What are Implants for Teeth?

Dental implants provide one means of tooth replacement, as an alternative to dentures and bridges. Regardless of why you lose one or more teeth, such as through poor oral hygiene, plaque, and tartar buildup, decay or gum disease, implants possibly provide one option for tooth replacement.

Implants consist of a metal rod placed in your jawbone, to support a crown that looks like a natural tooth. This method creates a strong tooth replacement that functions very much like real teeth. Because it anchors in your jaw like a natural tooth root, an implant does not damage other teeth or rely on them for any support.

Losing a tooth and not replacing it allows surrounding teeth to shift into the gap and possibly loosen. This changes your oral health and functioning. It causes misalignment in your bite and might affect nutrition and overall wellness. Further, your tooth misalignment and gap then undermine your self-confidence when smiling, talking to others or eating.

When are Dental Implants Needed?

So when are dental implants needed? Implants become necessary when bridges, dental crowns or dentures do not provide the right means for tooth replacement. You need to replace your lost tooth or multiple teeth, as not doing so only costs you more and causes additional dental problems.

Implants provide the most natural looking and most reliable means of tooth replacement. Although these false teeth cost more, they pay off to a greater extent than other methods, over your lifetime. Implants permanently replace teeth, unlike dentures, crowns, and bridges that require adjustments, replacements, and repair.

Implants also keep your jawbone healthy. Contrary to what most people expect, having the metal post acting as a natural tooth root keeps your jaw from deteriorating. The natural process when a tooth falls out is for the jaw to disintegrate because you no longer use it to support bite pressure and chewing.

Visually, no method of tooth replacement looks better than an implant. Implants look natural and undetectable to people around you. But bridges and dentures often look unnatural or provide other signs of not being your actual teeth. With implants, you eat comfortably, smile and laugh without worry.

Finding a Queen Creek, Arizona Dentist for Implants

When you feel ready for permanent tooth replacement, see your dentist in Queen Creek, Arizona. Talk to them about the pros and cons of implants and whether this method suits your needs. Other dental services you need with or without implants include:

In Queen Creek, Arizona, call Marketplace Dental Excellence now at 480.545.8700 to learn more about when are dental implants needed. Schedule your first visit and discuss treatment options with your new dentist.

Published by
Dr. Tuckett Marketplace Dental Excellence

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