Dental Sealants

Dental sealants Queen Creek AZ serve a significant purpose for keeping your teeth healthy and strong. These plastic sealants coat the chewing surface of your back teeth for their protection. In using this material, your dentist helps you protect your molars and premolars from tooth decay-causing bacteria and acids.

Dental Sealants Queen Creek AZ Prefers

Dental sealants take your preventive care beyond tooth brushing, flossing and fluoride treatments. Your at-home daily oral hygiene keeps your teeth and gums healthy to a certain point. But toothbrushes do not clean depressions and grooves in your teeth well enough to keep tooth decay away. This is why your dentist helps you by providing dental sealants Queen Creek AZ provides.

Sealants protect areas of tooth grooves and pits. The plastic material smooths these rough tooth areas, so your toothbrush glides over places where plaque typically hides.

Even very young children benefit from these protective and preventive measures. When your child’s first permanent molar tooth breaks through the gums, the dentist starts applying sealant. The sealing continues from there, for all molars and premolars as they arrive. Children with baby teeth sometimes receive sealant treatment for the best oral health.

Adults sometimes benefit from this service, too. Adults who risk tooth decay in deep grooves and fissures may use this treatment to smooth those surfaces. Sealant works well when molars do not yet need fillings.

Having Dental Sealants Applied to Your Teeth

Dental sealants material varies according to your needs and your dentist’s preference. The color of this plastic coating is white, clear or slightly tinted to match your teeth. Placement of the coating requires no sedation, and the dentist quickly performs the treatment during a regular dental visit.

To prepare your teeth for sealant, the dental hygienist polishes your tooth surfaces. Polishing removes debris and plaque. The hygienist then etches its surface, rinsing away the etched material and drying it.

The hygienist applies the sealant material using a brush. A curing light held to the tooth for 30 seconds bonds the sealant to your tooth. Once this completes, your dentist checks the dental sealants Queen Creek AZ.

After You Receive Sealant Treatment

Once the sealant has cured, you can go back to your regular daily routine and diet. This effective means for cavity prevention last a long time, usually many years. If one sealant treatment wears off, you can get new material on that tooth.

After your teeth undergo the dental sealants Queen Creek AZ process, you still need to exercise good daily oral hygiene. You also must see your dentist twice yearly for the best cavity prevention. Using a fluoride toothpaste continues helping you prevent tooth decay on all surfaces of your teeth.

Maintaining Healthy, Strong Teeth for Years to Come

Sealants provide one good option for protecting your teeth from tooth decay. But sealants alone do not keep your teeth and gums healthy. You should never underestimate the importance of seeing your dentist twice each year for regular checkups.

At Marketplace Dental Excellence in Queen Creek, AZ, your dentist helps you achieve your healthiest and most confident smile. Services provided by the best dentist in Queen Creek AZ include:

Talk to the helpful staff at Marketplace Dental Excellence to learn whether the dental sealants Queen Creek AZ offers meet your needs. Call 480-545-8700 for an appointment today. With the help of your Marketplace Dental Excellence dentist, you gain your healthiest teeth and gums. So call now.