Teeth Bonding

When you suffer decay, chips or fractures to your teeth, dental bonding is one option for dental restoration. This tooth-colored composite resin also works well for making teeth appear longer, to improve your smile. Thanks to composite resin bonding, only you and your dentist need to know you suffered dental damage. To the rest of the world, your smile looks natural, healthy and attractive.

What is teeth bonding?

Bonding teeth queen creek AZ is the process of your dentist applying tooth-colored composite resin to damaged teeth, to repair them and return their healthy appearance. Bonding is a quick, easy and cost-effective solution when you need a dental restoration, such as fillings or buckles. The plastic-like material bonds to your tooth for a semi-permanent solution that lasts an average of five years or longer. Some bonding applications even last as long as 10 years.

Few options exist for fixing your teeth at such a low cost as teeth bonding. Your Arizona dentist also enjoys using this composite resin material, as he can shape and polish it to match your natural tooth color. Bonding also provides cosmetic improvement for stained or chipped teeth. It closes gaps between teeth, makes shorter teeth appear longer and reshapes misshapen teeth.

If you suffer receding gums, your dentist considers using teeth bonding material to cover exposed roots. This protects your vulnerable roots from decay.

The Process of Teeth Bonding

Dental bonding Queen Creek AZ requires no preparation. You likely do not even need sedation dentistry for the procedure, unless the dentist is filling a decayed tooth. You can expect little to no discomfort, at all. The whole process only takes about half an hour per tooth, so you usually get one or more teeth done in a single office visit.

The first step in your dental bonding Queen Creek AZ is for the dentist to select a shade for your bonding using a shade guide. This guide helps him match the color of your composite resin to your natural teeth. After choosing the color, your dentist etches the surface of your tooth using a conditioning liquid. This helps the dental bonding queen creek AZ adhere to your teeth for long term wear.

Your dentist then applies the teeth bonding material to your tooth surface. He molds and smooths the putty-like resin, then uses a special UV light or laser to harden it. Once the resin hardens, your dentist trims and shapes it. The final step involves polishing the material until it looks like your tooth’s natural surfaces.

Although your new tooth surface provides some stain resistance, some substances can discolor the resin. Coffee, red wine, tea, tomato sauce, and dark sodas are among these staining substances. Cigarette smoke also causes discoloration or staining. To avoid these cosmetic issues, avoid consuming any of these or smoking for the first two days after your procedure.
To care for your teeth bonding, brush your teeth twice daily using fluoride toothpaste and floss each day. Visit your dentist at least twice each year for cleanings and exams, too.

Problems with Bonding and How to Avoid Them

After bonding teeth Queen Creek AZ, remember that composite resin is not as strong as natural tooth material. For this reason, avoid biting your nails or chewing on hard substances like ice. This can chip the bonding material and adds to your dental costs.

With proper care, your bonding can last several years. But this period of time before you need more bonding teeth Queen Creek AZ depends on how much resin was used and how you take care of your teeth.

You need to visit your dentist twice yearly for continued dental care. Important services you need take place at Marketplace Dental Excellence, where your dentist bonds your teeth. These other dental services include:

Whether you need teeth bonding or other dental services, these services take place right here in Queen Creek, AZ. So call Marketplace Dental Excellence now at 480.545.8700 to schedule your next visit.