Wisdom Teeth Removal

Are you facing wisdom teeth removal? Millions of Americans undergo this surgical procedure each year. Some face removal of all four wisdom teeth, while others only need one or two removed. Located at the back corners of your mouth, these obsolete teeth grow from your top and bottom jaw bones.

When a wisdom tooth does not have space to grow into, the tooth becomes impacted. This causes pain, infection and other problems. It also means you must go through wisdom teeth removal. Even when your wisdom teeth do not try to emerge, sometimes these must come out for your best oral health.

Problems Wisdom Teeth Cause

Wisdom teeth come in after all of your other teeth have already grown into place. These often grow at odd angles and cause complications, getting stuck below your gums. This means you need wisdom teeth removal, usually between the ages of 17 and 25.

Some people do not develop these adult teeth. Others experience normal eruption without problems. But odds are you will face wisdom teeth removal in early adulthood.

Not going through wisdom teeth removal causes problems for some people. These include the teeth growing in at an angle toward other teeth, erupting toward the back of your mouth or staying trapped in your jawbone.

If you suffer these issues, you experience a range of symptoms, including:

  • Infection
  • Pain
  • Adjacent tooth damage
  • Cyst growth around the tooth
  • Surrounding bone damage
  • Complication of orthodontic care

Deciding Whether You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

If your wisdom teeth are not causing problems for you, your dentist helps you decide whether keeping them in place is the right option. Otherwise, the dentist provides some reasons for removing them as preventive dentistry care.

Some examples of reasons for preventive wisdom tooth removal include not knowing whether you will suffer future problems because of these teeth. You may also suffer a greater likelihood of oral diseases from your wisdom teeth, such as gum disease and tooth decay.

By going through wisdom tooth removal in your late teens or early adulthood, you reduce your risk of future problems. You also enjoy less likelihood of serious complications. Older adults going through wisdom teeth removal experience greater difficulty with this procedure. They also suffer more complications after surgery.

Talking to your dentist about your wisdom teeth helps you understand your best course of treatment. Some experts suggest leaving these large back teeth in place if they do not cause problems.

Steps for Your Wisdom Teeth Removal

Your dentist uses one or more types of anesthesia to enable safe and comfortable removal of your teeth. Which anesthesia he chooses depends on your extraction needs and personal comfort level.

Options for anesthesia include local, with which you remain awake and aware during the procedure. You should not experience pain with this anesthetic, but you do feel some pressure. Other options include sedation dentistry through an IV or general anesthesia for unconsciousness.

After you receive anesthesia, the surgery begins. This starts when the dentist makes an incision in your gums, creating a space to expose the tooth and bone. He then removes any bone blocking access to the tooth. If necessary, the dentist divides your wisdom tooth into easily removable sections.

Once the tooth comes out, the dentist cleans the surgical site and removes any debris or parts from the tooth or bone. He then stitches your wound closed to enable healing. The dentist places gauze over the surgical site to control bleeding.

Wisdom Tooth Care in Queen Creek, Arizona

In Queen Creek, Arizona, Marketplace Dental Excellence provides wisdom tooth removal and other related care. These dental services accompany a wide range of essential treatments and procedures, including:

If you suspect you need wisdom teeth removal or other preventive dental services, call Marketplace Dental Excellence at 480.545.8700 for an appointment.