Have you ever wondered, “What is halitosis, anyway?” We all suffer bad breath at one time or another. But few of us realize our breath problem until we experience some embarrassment. So how can you keep your breath smelling great for your best self-confidence?

What is Halitosis?

First, to answer your question, “What is halitosis,” consider its other names. Most people just call it bad breath. But others refer to this problem as foul breath or breath malodor. Humorous nicknames include dragon breath, morning breath, and yuck mouth.

Of those names, “yuck mouth” probably answers your question best of all. Bad breath often goes away with adequate oral hygiene. A clean mouth smells fresh, in most cases. So start working on your bad breath by brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice each day, flossing regularly and have a dental examination twice each year.

If you still suffer halitosis despite good oral hygiene and routine dental visits, you may need professional help. Your dentist can help you find the cause of your breath problem when you cannot.

Conditions Causing Bad Breath

Your own answer to “what is halitosis” possibly differs from what another person experiences as bad breath. Even with the best oral hygiene, infections and other conditions often make breath smell terrible.

If you notice your bad breath coming from your lungs, a short-term infection may be causing your problem. Do you have a cold, bronchitis or sinusitis? Even pneumonia causes this odor. Parents often realize their children suffer illness when they first smell this telltale symptom.

Obviously, if you experience one of these temporary ailments your breath gets better as you recover. But some chronic conditions remain for a lifetime. This means accompanying bad breath also remains. Examples of these conditions include cystic fibrosis, asthma, lung cancer, and allergies.

The Importance of Oral Hygiene in Fresh Breath

As you know by now, brushing your teeth and performing other daily oral hygiene plays the most significant role in the freshness of your breath. When you brush your teeth, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss regularly, too. Also, clean your tongue by brushing it or using a tongue scraper.

After brushing your teeth, flossing and cleaning your tongue, consider using an antibacterial mouth rinse, so you won’t have to ask “what is halitosis”. Your dentist can recommend one.

When you finish eating your meals, consider chewing sugarless gum for 20 to 30 minutes. This gum chewing increases your saliva flow and helps promote the healthier breakdown of sugars, carbohydrates, and starches in the foods you eat. With your saliva working for you, this adds another method of preventing bad breath.

Your Dentist Helps You Fight Bad Breath

When you struggle with bad breath, ask your dentist for help. As part of regular dental care, your dentist’s goal is to help you maintain your best oral health. This includes advice for your breath, smile, bite and overall wellness. Services helping you retain your best dental health and hygiene include:

In Queen Creek, Arizona, visit Marketplace Dental Excellence for the quality dental care you deserve. Call 480.545.8700 to schedule your first appointment now, to ask the dentist, “What is halitosis?”

Published by
Dr. Tuckett Marketplace Dental Excellence

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